Travel Information
Ability to access the contents and details provided by the organizer company about the countries or cities to be traveled
Flight Information
Real-time flight alerts, flight delay forecasts, updates, check-in, airport transfer and baggage policy
Ability to send a message to the tour leader before, during and after your trip, call the tour leader and share your location information with the tour leader
Opportunity to evaluate all the details of the tour and the tour leader
With Tridisgo
Plan and Manage Your Trips and Events from Start to Finish!
Corporate Travel
Workshop Activities
Press Conferences
Special Tours for Groups
Motivational Activities
Launch Events
With Your Customers
Keep in Touch!
From the beginning to the end of your travels with your customers, provide them with all the information and travel support they need, such as flight details, check-in, destination points, event coverage, communication with the tour leader, and establish a strong communication bond by increasing corporate loyalty and impact with the Tridisgo mobile app! Contribute by increasing motivation and adaptability!
Save Time and Labor!
Tridisgo offers you opportunities for both time management and the healthy functioning of travel. Easily manage your programs during your travel with easy-to-use travel program modules and reduce your time and labor costs thanks to strong communication with your customers!
Increase Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty!
Deliver real-time information to your customers that they will need during their travels. 100% offline with Tridisgo, share your guided recommendations about places to go, increase your productivity!
Reduce Your Operating Costs!
Reduce your customer service and telecommunication burden, save time and reduce your cost burden, increase your efficiency, and develop strong partnerships with our Tridisgo solutions. Optimize your business processes with a holistic approach!